My Why...

Sometimes life gives us gifts that we didn't even know we needed. I can think of four that changed the course of my life: my husband, my son, my daughter, and my camera. For as long as I can remember, I was always that friend with a camera in her hand. I never thought much of it, I just loved capturing life around me whether it was with a disposable or a cheap digital camera. What I would give to find all those photos again! It wasn't until we were living in the Amazon Jungle in our early years of marriage that an acquaintance gifted me my first DSLR to capture our life there. I was in shock. I couldn't believe someone that barely knew me took such a big risk on me but I knew that would be a pivotal moment for my life. I had no idea what it would look like but here we are nearly 8 years later and I still can't put the camera down.

While photography gives me the ability to stay at home with our kids, it has also gives me the gift of relationships. I treasure friendships deeply, no matter how big or insignificant they may seem. I, obviously, cannot have a deep friendships with everyone I meet on a daily basis but I do love when our paths cross again. I will always hold space for time with you and a lot of times getting in front of my camera is the best way to do that. Its not unusual for me to leave a session overwhelmed to the point of tears that not only do people choose me to capture these moments but that photography gives me the opportunity to reconnect with people I love so much from all walks of my life. Even if you're new here, I hope we can be friends.

Photography gives me a front row seat to milestones that I may not have been a part of otherwise and it is an honor I don't take lightly.

Some fun stuff...

As a family, we love to adventure and explore together. One of my favorite things is capturing photos of the kids in their element. We can do the prim and proper, however, barefoot and outdoors is where you'll find us most of the time. Spontaneous adventures, heartfelt conversations, & brunch are a few of my favorite things. I am a homeschool mom and enjoy getting to be apart of my children's education. Cameron Candace Bure (aka DJ Tanner from Full House) is the most famous person I've photographed. My husband had a funny video of him sneaking in house plants go viral during the pandemic and it still recirculates every couple months. If I could live anywhere, I'd move to the beach, preferably a pretty one with blue waters and white sand. I used to have a podcast (that I want to bring back!) and I'd always end with asking my guests three things they are loving right now. Mine are currently: pears with goat cheese & honey, making sourdough goodies, & raw milk.